Eden Updates
Volunteer of the Month: Maria Calderon
August 2, 2021
Why did you choose to volunteer with Eden Housing? I chose Eden Housing because I believe that the best way to improve your quality of life is through education. Eden Housing provides access to essential education, such as the financial coaching program. What have you done as a volunteer? Please describe your role and what…
Eden Housing Promotes Andrea Osgood to Senior Vice President of Real Estate Development
July 30, 2021
Eden Housing announces that Andrea Osgood has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Real Estate Development. Prior to Andrea’s promotion, she has been serving as Interim Department Manager. Under her leadership, Eden currently has a pipeline totaling 3,150 homes across 39 properties, including new construction and portfolio recapitalization projects.
Celebrating the “Frame Up” of Granite Ridge Apartments
July 27, 2021
Earlier this month, Eden Housing and For the Future Housing celebrated the “Frame Up” of Granite Ridge Apartments. This new community will provide 73 new affordable homes to low-income families in the City of Fremont, including 15 households exiting homelessness. Many thanks to our partners and supporters for making this community possible, including Capital One,…
Housing the Bay Webinar Series
July 26, 2021
Episcopal Impact Fund and Eden Housing present a two-part webinar series examining the post-COVID housing crisis, how we got here, and what we can do to achieve a better future for all residents of the Bay. Part One (Thursday, July 29, 7:00-8:00pm): Where are we and how did we get here? Part Two (Thursday, August 19, 7:00-8:00pm):…
Eden Housing Appoints Jeffrey Moline as Vice President – Controller
July 16, 2021
7/16/2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: Matthew Indiminematthew.indimine@edenhousing.org Eden Housing Appoints Jeffrey Moline as Vice President – Controller HAYWARD, CA – Eden Housing announces the appointment of Jeffrey Moline as Vice President – Controller, effective July 12, 2021. Jeffrey is a highly accomplished affordable housing financial management executive. He has more than 12 years of…
Join Us in Celebrating Eden’s Resident Scholars
July 14, 2021
Eden Housing’s Howard T. Collins Memorial Scholarship program is in its 29th year. Since the program’s inception in 1993, Eden has awarded more than $650,000 to more than 400 inspiring residents. This year, 34 dedicated students from Petaluma to San Ysidro will receive a total of $100,000 in scholarships! Mark your calendars for this Friday, July…
Volunteers of the Month: Howard Cohen
July 1, 2021
Why did you choose to volunteer with Eden Housing? Since my retirement (software development management), I continually seek out volunteer opportunities. Believing that I have been extremely blessed, I view volunteering as a form of “paying it forward”. My volunteering efforts have included (i) assisting in a high school woodshop, (ii) various church activities and…
Progress Report: Light Tree Apartments
June 29, 2021
Originally constructed in 1966, Light Tree Apartments has provided 94 affordable homes to the East Palo Alto community for decades. Committed to preserving the stock of affordable homes in California, Eden Housing and East Palo Alto Community Alliance and Neighborhood Development Organization (EPACANDO) are transforming the community through a rehabilitation and renovation. Upon completion, Light…
Paying the Rent in a Pandemic: Recent Trends in Rent Payments Among Affordable Housing Tenants in California
June 22, 2021
Eden Housing partnered with the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley on their latest study offering a window into the uneven impacts of the pandemic on California renters. The analysis draws on rent payment data from January 2019 through December 2020 from 8,605 households living at Eden Housing communities. The report shows the…
HUD takes first step to restore fair housing rule
June 17, 2021
Thank you to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for restoring the 2015 definition of affirmatively further fair housing with an interim final rule. This is an important first step in restoring a policy that advances racial equity. As Secretary Fudge points out, a half-century after the federal government sought to make amends…