Community Stories
Join Us in Celebrating Eden’s Resident Scholars
July 14, 2021
Eden Housing’s Howard T. Collins Memorial Scholarship program is in its 29th year. Since the program’s inception in 1993, Eden has awarded more than $650,000 to more than 400 inspiring residents. This year, 34 dedicated students from Petaluma to San Ysidro will receive a total of $100,000 in scholarships! Mark your calendars for this Friday, July…
Volunteers of the Month: Howard Cohen
July 1, 2021
Why did you choose to volunteer with Eden Housing? Since my retirement (software development management), I continually seek out volunteer opportunities. Believing that I have been extremely blessed, I view volunteering as a form of “paying it forward”. My volunteering efforts have included (i) assisting in a high school woodshop, (ii) various church activities and…
Progress Report: Light Tree Apartments
June 29, 2021
Originally constructed in 1966, Light Tree Apartments has provided 94 affordable homes to the East Palo Alto community for decades. Committed to preserving the stock of affordable homes in California, Eden Housing and East Palo Alto Community Alliance and Neighborhood Development Organization (EPACANDO) are transforming the community through a rehabilitation and renovation. Upon completion, Light…
Paying the Rent in a Pandemic: Recent Trends in Rent Payments Among Affordable Housing Tenants in California
June 22, 2021
Eden Housing partnered with the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley on their latest study offering a window into the uneven impacts of the pandemic on California renters. The analysis draws on rent payment data from January 2019 through December 2020 from 8,605 households living at Eden Housing communities. The report shows the…
Celebrating Pride
June 1, 2021
Eden Housing prides itself in fostering a climate of inclusion where all employees can feel comfortable in their own skin. Diane Paisley, Director of Human Resources, tells us, “When I joined Eden I was so pleased to find such inclusive benefits. Employers can easily exclude these types of medical services but Eden has chosen to…
Communities Transformed: Faith Manor and Tennyson Gardens
June 1, 2021
“One of the happiest moments of my life… was when I got the call that I was approved [to live at Tennyson Gardens],” shares Amanda Penate, resident. “[Before moving to Tennyson], it was very scary to not know where we would be in 5 or 10 years, or to even know if I would be…
Eden Resident Services Vaccine Clinics Succeed
May 11, 2021
Eden held vaccine clinics at senior properties across our portfolio. We’ve helped nearly 2,500 residents get vaccinated and protected from COVID. A huge kudos goes out to the resident services and property operations staff who helped us reach this milestone. Listen to Estabrook Place resident, Linda, talk about what living at Eden means to her…
Celebrating Fair Housing Month in Eden’s After-School Programs
May 6, 2021
Every April, the nation commemorates the Fair Housing Act, a landmark law that prohibits housing discrimination. Eden’s youngest residents learned about this piece of legislation in our after-school programs, and they had the opportunity to participate in a poster contest with the theme “Everyone is Welcome in My Community.” Check out some of their inspiring…
Support Downtown Livermore Apartments
May 5, 2021
Support 130 new affordable homes for low-income families in Livermore at an upcoming meeting of the Livermore City Council: May 24 at 7:00pm- sign up here for updates! The proposed community would provide much-needed affordable housing to the Livermore workforce. There is an urgent and significant need for affordable housing in Livermore and the region. With more than…
Affordable Housing Month
May 5, 2021
Each May, Eden Housing joins our peers, coalitions, elected officials, and supporters in celebrating #AffordableHousingMonth. We invite you to join us by attending virtual events, webinars, and workshops aimed at engaging our community of housing supporters, while spreading awareness of the positive impacts that affordable housing brings to communities. Eden and EPACANDO are pleased to…