Eden Resident Services Vaccine Clinics Succeed
May 11, 2021
Eden held vaccine clinics at senior properties across our portfolio. We’ve helped nearly 2,500 residents get vaccinated and protected from COVID. A huge kudos goes out to the resident services and property operations staff who helped us reach this milestone. Listen to Estabrook Place resident, Linda, talk about what living at Eden means to her…
COVID x Homelessness: Advancing Equitable Solutions to Overlapping Crises
January 19, 2021
In this episode of the Affordable Housing Podcast, brought to you by Eden Housing, host Joanne Greene speaks to Tomiquia Moss, Founder and CEO of All Home, a nonprofit organization advancing regional solutions that disrupt cycles of poverty and homelessness and create more economic mobility opportunities for extremely low-income people. Moss discusses the overlapping COVID-19…
Supporting Residents in Need: Eden’s Tenant Relief Fund
September 9, 2020
Thank you to everyone who contributed to, or shared, Eden’s Tenant Relief Fund. We are pleased to share that the first round of funds have been distributed to more than 450 families in amounts from $100 to $500. The selected recipients have expressed financial hardship related to COVID-19 prior to June. Your kindness and…
Affordable Housing Month in Silicon Valley
May 1, 2020
As part of Silicon Valley at Home’s Affordable Housing Month, Eden Housing launched a video series featuring five affordable housing communities in Santa Clara County. The series showcases not only the high-quality affordable housing properties, but also the residents that call them home, the dedicated staff who make home happen, and a few instrumental partners…
COVID-19 update from Linda Mandolini
March 25, 2020
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well. First and foremost, a big thank you to everyone who is reaching out. Your kind words are appreciated as everyone at Eden works to keep our residents housed during this uncertain time. While the challenges brought by COVID-19 are unpredictable, this crisis is highlighting…