Eden Housing
The Impact on Local Affordable Housing Issues by a Housing Trust Fund
July 14, 2010
Kevin Zwick, Executive Director of the Housing Trust of Santa Clara County (HTSCC) discusses with host Joanne Greene how HTSCC has invested over $33 million and leveraged more than $1.7 billion to create more than 7,800 housing opportunities. HTSCC’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2), funded by a $25 million federal grant, is helping to stabilize neighborhoods…
Preserving Over 2,000 Affordable Homes with Citizens Housing, Eden Housing, and Tenderloin Neighborhood Development
June 4, 2010
The downturn in the economy has created significant strain on many non-profit organizations, including non-profits that develop affordable housing. The economic situation that non-profit affordable housing developers face nationally and in the State of California is unprecedented. The single largest program that developers use, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, has seen a drop…
Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing “MASH” by PG&E
April 26, 2010
Pacific Gas and Electric Company is investing in a program that will help facilitate the adoption of solar technology in the multifamily affordable housing sector. Host Joanne Greene speaks to Andrew Yip, Supervisor of PG&E’s Solar and Customer Generation Group about MASH, an acronym that stands for Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing Program. For more information…
Is there life after Proposition 1C, California’s $2.1 Billion housing bond? A discussion of possible future options for state and local funding for affordable housing.
March 26, 2010
Years ago, California voters wisely passed two ballot initiatives – Props 46 and 1C – and the result was aa $4.1 Billion of affordable housing production. That funding is scheduled to run out at the end of 2010. This episode’s guest is Dianne Spaulding, Executive Director of the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, talks…
Deciphering the proposed 2011 HUD budget with Paul Weech
February 12, 2010
The proposed FY2011 Obama Administration’s budget include strengthening the housing market, meeting affordable RENTAL housing needs, improving quality of life, continuing the Choice Neighborhood’s Initiative, and transforming the way HUD does business. Paul Weech, Senior Vice President for Policy, at the Housing Partnership Network and Stewards of Affordable Housing joins Joanne Greene of the Affordable…
Success Starts at Home
December 17, 2009
The American Dream as defined by Chinese immigrant Bailin Zheng consists of educating your children and having your own home. Scholarships have enabled Miriam Torres to graduate college and contribute enough for her family live in a safe environment. 94 year old Josephine Lopez believes that affordable housing has been a blessing to help her…
HUD Multifamily Programs with Deputy Assistant Secretary Carol Galante
November 23, 2009
We are pleased this month to bring you an interview with Carol Galante, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing Programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Carol is also the former President and CEO of BRIDGE Housing and served as the second Executive Director of Eden Housing from 1982 to…
Promoting healthy, energy- and resource-efficient building practices
October 21, 2009
Bruce Mast, Program Director for Build It Green joins host Joanne Greene to talk about this membership supported, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting healthy, energy and resource-efficient building practices in California and beyond. The Affordable Housing Podcast is a production of Eden Housing
Affordable housing for moderate income workers with Janine Cuneo
September 22, 2009
Affordable housing for moderate income workers, including teachers, nurses, firefighters, government workers and police officers affects about 40% of the population in high cost cities like Washington D.C, Boston, and San Francisco. Janine Cuneo, VP of Urban Land Institute Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing discusses their research on the relationship between the transportation costs and…
The California deficit impact on Redevelopment Agencies
August 18, 2009
California’s Redevelopment Agencies quietly and effectively revitalize neighborhoods and are a vital tool for creating thousands of affordable housing units in California. Redevelopment Agencies stand to lose more than $2 billion over the next two years under the latest state budget. Host Joanne Greene talks to John Shirey, Executive Director of the California Redevelopment Association…