Affordable Housing Podcast

What’s Your Story? The Value of Storytelling as a Strategic Communications Tool for Non-Profit Organizations

February 28, 2017

"Eden Housing Affordable Housing Podcast" cover
Affordable Housing Podcast
What's Your Story? The Value of Storytelling as a Strategic Communications Tool for Non-Profit Organizations

In 1998, Andy Goodman had a great idea and launched a company to help good causes reach more people with more impact. It was a singular mission and an audacious goal. The Goodman Center offers workshops in storytelling, presenting, strategic communications and more. In this episode of the Affordable Housing Podcast brought to you by Eden Housing, host Joanne Greene speaks to founder Andy Goodman. Andy is a nationally recognized author, speaker and consultant. Along with “Storytelling as Best Practice”, he is the author of “Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes” and “Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes”. He also publishes a monthly journal, “Free-range Thinking”, to share best practices in the field.
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