Eden Housing

Success Starts at Home

December 17, 2009

"Eden Housing Affordable Housing Podcast" cover
Eden Housing
Success Starts at Home

The American Dream as defined by Chinese immigrant Bailin Zheng consists of educating your children and having your own home. Scholarships have enabled Miriam Torres to graduate college and contribute enough for her family live in a safe environment. 94 year old Josephine Lopez believes that affordable housing has been a blessing to help her maintain independence.
These are a few of the Eden Housing residents you’ll meet in this episode of the Affordable Housing Podcast.
The success of Eden Housing would not be possible without the tireless efforts and generous contributions of our supporters. Please consider an annual gift to help us continue to improve the lives of countless people in need who seek nothing more than a safe home and a better life for themselves and their families. http://EdenHousing.org