Eden Housing

California’s Cap & Trade Program to Help Affordable Housing

October 21, 2014

Eden Housing
California's Cap & Trade Program to Help Affordable Housing

Under California’s Cap and Trade program, large companies that emit a certain amount of greenhouse gas are assigned a cap or limit on the their emissions. Those that exceed their cap must either ratchet down their emissions over time by making improvements to their facilities OR they can buy “allowances to pollute” thru a quarterly state auction. Companies that produce LESS than their allocated greenhouse gas emissions can “trade” or sell their allowances to other companies. On this episode of the Affordable Housing podcast, brought to you by Eden Housing, host Joanne Greene speaks to Susan Riggs; Deputy Secretary for Housing, California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency about how this program is helping to fund affordable homes.
* Listen to this and prior episodes of the Affordable Housing Podcast at EdenHousing.org
* Free subscriptions to the monthly Affordable Housing Podcast are available in iTunes
* For additional information on this topic, visit: BCSH.ca.gov