Eden Housing

Bridging the Digital Divide with Sunne McPeak, President of CETF

July 28, 2008

"Eden Housing Affordable Housing Podcast" cover
Eden Housing
Bridging the Digital Divide with Sunne McPeak, President of CETF

Providing a roof and a stable home is step one. These days, affordable housing advocates are going beyond that and providing additional services to help residents improve their economic standing and broaden their options. As the former California State Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing, Sunne Wright McPeak is all too familiar with the challenges of affordable housing. In her current role as President and CEO of the California Emerging Technology Fund, McPeak is leading an effort to bridge the digital divide and bring broadband access across all demographic groups in California in the next five years. In this episode of the “Affordable Housing Podcast”, McPeak addresses programs, like Eden Housing’s Digital Connectors, that teach residents in low income housing developments about computers and the Internet. She cites research that unequivocally demonstrates how teaching computer literacy to young people empowers their families to be able to take advantage of what our digital economy has to offer.