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2022 Volunteer Appreciation Event a Success
May 18, 2022

Eden Housing was started in 1968, by a small group of Hayward-based community activists who were concerned about the lack of accessible, affordable housing in Alameda County. 54 years later, with the support of so many new and long-time Friends of Eden, we’re still here, creating equity and opportunity for all!
During our 2022 Volunteer Appreciation Event, we spotlighted a few Friends of Eden for their commitment to affordable housing, volunteerism, and changing the world one corner at a time:
◼️ Civic Leader of the Year:
Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Supervisor
Bob Woerner, Mayor of Livermore
◼️ Foundation Award:
Nicholas Randall, Immediate Past Chair of Eden’s Board
Timothy Reilly, Eden’s Board Director
◼️ Strategic Partner of the Year:
South Valley Community Church
◼️ Economic Empowerment Award:
Maria Calderon, Eden Savers Financial Coach
◼️ Eden Friend of the Year:
Sara Henry, Community Volunteer at Warner Creek
◼️ Good Neighbor of the Year:
Shanrong Dai, Resident at Josephine Lum Lodge
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our first in-person (since the pandemic) celebrations of Eden volunteers, supporters, advocates, and affordable housing champions.