Advocacy Updates
Support Measure W in Alameda County
October 19, 2020
Measure W addresses Alameda County’s homeless crisis, protecting our most vulnerable neighbors: seniors, veterans, families and people who can’t keep up with skyrocketing housing costs and are homeless or at risk of losing their homes. The measure will generate an estimated $150 million per year for a term of 10 years. For more information, visit…
Alamedans, Vote Yes on Z!
October 19, 2020
On July 21, 2020, the Alameda City Council approved a local initiative, Measure Z, that seeks to repeal a local prohibition on construction of multi-family housing—a rule that has been in place since voters approved it in 1973. Measure Z also would repeal city rules adopted in 1991 limiting density of any residential unit within…
19 Days to Election Day! Make “Get Out The Vote” Calls to Subsidized Renters
October 16, 2020
Looking for a way to be involved in the upcoming elections? Hoping that low-income renters have a strong turnout in early voting and on election day? Sign-up to volunteer as a phone-banker to call subsidized renters who live in properties owned or managed by participants in the Housing Providers Council of Our Homes, Our Votes:…
What the Legislature Did —and Didn’t Do— This Year To Make Housing More Affordable
September 10, 2020
All five of the bills in the State Senate’s housing package failed to advance—including several as time ran out in the waning minutes of the session—and more than a dozen other bills to open new sites to affordable housing and accelerate production did not make it to the Governor.
New Study Shows LIHTC, Housing Assistance Critical in Promoting Stability and Economic Mobility
September 9, 2020
Contact: Cora Johnson-Grau (510) 859-7073 A new analysis of the incomes of residents living in housing managed by one of California’s largest affordable housing developers offers a unique window into how lower-income households have fared through economic decline and growth, providing important evidence for expanded investment into affordable housing and rental assistance in the…
Support Affordable Housing in Castro Valley
July 30, 2020
Support 72 new affordable homes for low-incomes families in Castro Valley. Voice your support for Ruby Street Apartments at Monday’s virtual meeting of the Alameda County Planning Commission. Click here for meeting details. While California has faced a housing crisis for years, the COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the need for more affordable housing. At a…
July 21 – Virtual Lobby Day for HEROES Act
July 17, 2020
Eden is working with our national partners and other affordable housing providers to urge Congress to include housing and rent relief priorities in the next COVID legislative package, including $100 billion in emergency rental assistance. Now is the time for advocates to take action to demand #RentReliefNow! When the Senate returns to work on July…
Homes for San Diegans heads to the November ballot!
July 17, 2020
On Tuesday, the San Diego City Council voted 6-3 to place the Homes for San Diegans bond measure on the November ballot! Eden Housing staff spoke in favor of the $900 million affordable housing bond. It will create 7,500 new affordable homes for people experiencing homelessness, veterans, seniors, persons with disabilities, and low-income families. This…