Eden Housing

Employment: A Remedy for Poverty and Homelessness

May 18, 2011

"Eden Housing Affordable Housing Podcast" cover
Eden Housing
Employment: A Remedy for Poverty and Homelessness

It is difficult to address affordable housing without considering the issues of poverty and unemployment. They’re inextricably connected and, often, the most successful programs are those that address more than one aspect of the vicious cycle that prevents so many people from being able to attain the dignity and security that make for a productive life. This episode of the Affordable Housing Podcast features a conversation with Carla Javits, President of REDF – Roberts Enterprise Development Fund – which has pioneered a model to employ individuals who are overcoming chronic poverty, homelessness, criminal history, substance abuse or mental illness. REDF helps to create and grow “double bottom line” enterprises that earn income while employing people with high barriers.
For more information about REDF, please visit http://www.redf.org.
For more information about the Affordable Housing Podcast, please visit http://EdenHousing.org